RabbitMQ : Messaging with Java, Spring Boot And Spring MVC
RabbitMQ : It is an open source message broker software. You might have heard Java Messaging Service (JMS) by which two Java applications can communicate with each other.
Using RabbitMQ message broker two Java applications can interact with each other in same way as we human being do by text message.Message can not go directly from one Java app to other and hence we need Queue and Exchange.
Do not aware of RabbitMQ ,Queue, Exchange OR JMS ? If YES, then you came to right place as you will learn all these things in this course. You can say Its all in one for you.
This course is all about RabbitMQ starting with Core Java and then using RabbitMQ with Spring Boot and Spring MVC.
At the end you will learn to deploy your RabbitMQ Spring MVC and Spring Boot application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
Let me give you an idea that what you will learn from this course.
- You will learn concept of Java Messaging Service (JMS) & RabbitMQ Message Broker.
- You will learn how to publish and consume messages using core Java.
- You will learn different types of exchanges like Direct, Fanout, Topic and Headers Exchange.
- You will learn to use RabbitMQ in Spring Boot application using Rabbit Template and Rabbit Listener.
- You will learn to use RabbitMQ in Spring MVC application using Rabbit Template and Rabbit Listener.
- Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring MVC Applications Deployment To Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Now what are you waiting for ?
Grab the course quickly and get started to learn RabbitMQ message broker with Java. Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and deploy your RabbitMQ Spring MVC and Spring Boot application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
See you in the course.
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